“The strength of a 100% Made in Italy product.”
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Our products made of both steel and widia are manufactured with the highest quality and precision, using only materials that have been extensively tested and certified by the best manufacturers.
The equipment produced mainly in carbide is aimed at the entire goldsmith sector, addressing an increasingly diverse clientele in terms of creations and quantities.
From the complete machine to the individual custom-made product, we can provide a service that guarantees the realization of a wide variety of designs and chain sizes.
The quality of our work is distinguished by the use of high-tech materials and end products that are the result of a process at the forefront of mechanical technology.
We work all over the world guaranteeing quality and service wherever you are. Contact
us to find out how we can help you.
It-Tech srl – Via Nardi,110 – 36060 Romano d’Ezzelino – Vicenza – Italy – Tel/Fax: 0039 0424 818038 – p.i. 03920030248